Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 4 ~ KLOVE radio

Mason is getting to the age where even if you don't think he is listening... he is. And often, he will repeat what he hears. It may not be the moment he hears it, but at some point, he will repeat whatever it was that he heard that stuck in his almost 3 year old brain. This scares me. Not that we are horrible people who curse and watch horrible things on tv, but we are human and we do watch things (like the news) that aren't always kid-friendly. I have had to be really aware lately of the things we watch or listen to... and even the things people are saying around us. His little ears will hear, and he will repeat, and he will ask questions. With this, comes what I am thankful for today. In the car, I have to have noise of some sort. I am glad that there is a radio station like KLOVE Christian Music radio that I can listen to in the car, and even if it's just for a little bit, I am not having to worry about what his ears are hearing.

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