Saturday, October 24, 2009

Pig Flu and Blessings...

This morning I woke up and knew that something was wrong. I was throwing up and had a fever of 101. I went to the doctor and tested positive for H1N1. I am now "quarantined" to my house, where I have spent the day on the couch...alone. Brandon went to work and Mason went to Brandon's parents for the weekend. I think that this is the first time since Mason was born that I have had an entire day to just sit and think. Through the day to day rush, we sometimes overlook our blessings. Mason turned 2 a few weekends ago. Where have the past 2 years gone?! So as I sit here today, miserable and sick, I have realized that I need to slow down and see my blessings. It should not take 2 years and the "pig flu" for this to happen.

1 comment:

Christina said...

Awww...Melissa! I'm so sorry you are sick and can't even get too close to your baby! :( Saying prayers that you get well soon!