Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Days 10 - 16 ~ Catching up

Okay, so keeping up with this may be harder than I thought... but I am going to do my best!!

Here goes... a week full of things I am thankful for... and I apologize for the "shortness" of each day.

Day 10 ~ Smiles : )
Bayly has started smiling in response to seeing or hearing things she knows... like the faces and voices of her mommy, daddy, and big brother.

Day 11 ~ My mom
She helps me out a lot. I don't know that I have really told her how much I truly don't know what I would do without her. She relied on my grandma for a lot... and now I rely on her. I like that tradition.

Day 12 ~ 4 Seasons
The weather is finally starting to change... and fall is here! I am thankful that I live in a place that has 4 seasons... even if I do complain about them sometimes.

Day 13 ~ Date Nights
I believe that every couple, especially if you have kids, should have a date night once a month if you can. Brandon and I went to the RV show (I know, we are old...lol) and then out to dinner. It was really nice having a few hours, just us.

Day 14 ~ Brandon's job
Brandon's job with the fire department comes with lots of trials. Its hard when he is not here... doing both day and night with both kids by myself. I am very thankful not only that he has a job, but for the job that he does.

Day 15 ~ Sales!!
I love going to a store and buying over $200 worth of clothes for $60. Clearance racks are the best!!

Day 16 ~ Hugs
Mason gives the best hugs! Even after a hard day, his hugs make me smile every time. I love that boy more than words can ever say.

1 comment:

Tina Mardis said...

:) Love you! These are all good things! :)