Sunday, December 9, 2007

Just a few updates

***Mason now weighs 11 pounds!! That is almost double what he weighed when he was born. I can't believe it!!! He is definitely a healthy boy!
***We have poop! And let me tell you...when a baby goes almost 5 days without pooping...when it finally does happen, it is NOT pretty! We have a picture to show daddy when he gets home, because I knew I couldn't explain the true event and do it justice without a picture. Funny the things we get excited about now!
***Mason doesn't like soy milk. And who can blame him. That stuff stinks!
***I am thinking about starting to add a little cereal in Mason's bottle. The poor kid is hungry all the time and I have got to start getting more than 2 or 3 hours of sleep at a time.
***Mason sat on Santa's lap at the fire department banquet dinner Saturday night. He was asleep so he never knew the difference.
***Brandon was awarded with 4 life saves this year. They were his first so it was really special. I am very proud!
***The pictures I am posting are of Mason on Santa's lap and our little guy after his bath. He is really looking more and more like Brandon every day. I can really see it in the last picture posted.

1 comment:

Tina Mardis said...

Wow! Please tell Brandon I'm very proud of him! And whoever thought "We have poop" would be the highlight of your day?! What a handsome boy...and you're right...I see more of Brandon in the last pic, too!